Identify Anonymous Website Visitors
There are are software tools out there that can help you identify anonymous website visitors through IP address intelligence, such as KickFire, however they usually are very expensive.
In this post we are going to show you how to uncover vital details about your website visitors for free.
Who is Visiting my Website?
For as long as there were websites, website owners wondered who is visiting their website. Website statistics tell an important story and thorough analysis helps you improve your website performance, but Google Analytics for example won’t tell you who is visiting your website.
The more detail about your website visitors you can get, the better you can gauge whether you are reaching the intended target audience. Especially when it comes to business development activities, knowing who accesses your site is GOLD for your BDMs.
Can i See Who Views my Website?
Yes and no. The free solution we are going to suggest to you today won’t give you the contact details of individuals who visit your website, but it will allow you to identify the companies visiting your website. The data you get is very valuable, especially for B2B focused businesses.
In order to identify anonymous website visitors you need to install the LinkedIn Insight Tag. It’s a website tracking script, just like Google Analytics or the Facebook Pixel. You will then be able to access the information through the LinkedIn Campaign Manager platform.
What Information about my Website Visitors will I See?
The most valuable information you get from the LinkedIn Insight Tag are the stats that show what companies have visited your website and what percentage of page views they’ve taken up.
What Other Stats Does LinkedIn Campaign Manager Show Me?
Step by Step Instructions to Get Access to the LinkedIn Campaign Manager Insights
- Set up a LinkedIn Campaign Manager Account.
- If you haven’t got a company LinkedIn page yet, it will prompt you to set one up.
- Once your account is set up, head over to your Campaign Manager account and click on “Website Demographics”.
- Next, click on “Set up your Insight Tag” and follow the instructions.
- Once the Insight Tag is verified and tracking, you need to build an audience including all website visitors. Go to “Account Assets”, then click on “Matched Audiences” and go to “Create an Audience”.
Note: It takes around 2,000 website visits before you can see what companies are visiting your website. Depending on the website traffic volume, give it around 1-2 months.
Please get in touch with us, if you need help with setting up the LinkedIn Insight Tag on your website.
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